Among the cards you have in your hand, you will often have weapons and shields. These cards are called equipment. When your character moves on them, the card is added to thier inventory. They gains the effect of the weapon and its power. The value of weapons (in yellow) is added to your basic attack. The shields (in blue) give you protection against the first damage received. In this game, you must travel through different levels until you defeat the last boss. To do so, play cards from your hand to the free slots on the field. Once done, end the turn and you will be able to see your character
Boxing Fighter Shadow Battle-3
Red Hand Slap Game
Word Search Science
Grab Pack Playtime
Lets Kill Jeff The Killer
Bighead Ninja!
Fun Ear Doctor
Hiker Escape
frozen princess game
Ball And Paddle
Monster Truck Mountain Climb
Huggy Wuggy Pixel Nights
Akochan Quest
Bubble Shooter Party
Blocky Combat Swat Zombie Survival 2022
green chick jumper
Impossible Tracks Moto Bike Race
Cocomelon Coloring Book
Donut Factory
Poppy Playtime Coloring Book
Ice Cream Cone Maker
Squid Game Crowd Pusher
Fast Extreme Track Racing
The Island Survival Challenge
Angry Bee Flappy Adventure
Red Coloring Book
Drink Drive Survive
Ball Giant Rush